Want to know why they buy?
Want to know why they buy?
Want to know why
they buy?
Introducing Value Discovery Research
Why do some customers buy your products, yet others buy from your competitors? Value Discovery™ Research can provide the answer.
Want to quickly collect the data you need to confidently make decisions based on knowing what your customers value most?
Value Discovery Research gives you the solid data you need to make better decisions.
What is Value Discovery Research?
Value Discovery Research is a rigorous research methodology designed to quickly discover customer values and motivations. Value Discovery is:
How does Value Discovery Research work?
Value Discovery Research is a structured methodology that includes in-depth interviews. These open-ended interviews, customized for each client, dig deep into customer motivations. We uncover what is rarely learned in customer research: the “why” that makes them buy.
Traditional market research surveys can answer only the kind of questions you think to ask, and so can help quantify only what you already think you know.
Value Discovery Research provides new insights into customer values that you can’t get any other way. Value Discovery Research ensures you hear the true voice of the customer.
We guarantee it
Choose the service that’s right for you
Value Discovery services are available as a full-service offering, as training, or in a collaborative approach.
Value Discovery Research training
For companies seeking a more hands-on experience, MarketFit provides training to empower your staff to conduct Value Discovery research. We will work with you throughout your project to ensure a successful outcome.
Collaborative Value Discovery Research
Want a hybrid of full-service Value Discovery research and hands-on training? In the collaborative approach, MarketFit not only trains your staff, we also take an active role in jointly conducting the initial research interviews.
Value Discovery Research deliverables
What you’ll get:
MarketFit success stories
– Sasha Hryciuk, CEO, Loft 47
– Yash Nijati, CEO, thisopenspace